Latest News
I received the 2025 Faculty Research Abroad Program Award from the Office of Research at Fordham University. (visiting ESSEC Business School in France)
I am the recipient of the 2024 Distinguished Research Award in the Interdisciplinary Studies category at Fordham University.
I received the 2024 Faculty Research Abroad Program Award from the Office of Research at Fordham University. (visiting IE University in Spain)
I received Dean's Award for Impact 2023.
I talked about my coauthored paper that explored motivational messages based on positive psychological capital and conditioned fear to motivate individuals to volitionally adopt security technologies in Dean's Research Spotlight video.
I co-organize a mini-track titled “The Bright and Dark Side of Social Media in the Marginalized Contexts” in the special track of “Information Technology, Social Justice, and Marginalized Contexts” in Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2024 and 2025.
I talked about my coauthored paper on whether social media steals audiences from traditional news media in Dean's Research Spotlight video.
I was invited to present my coauthored paper on the role of social media in the media industry at 2022 INFORMS annual meeting.
I was invited to present my coauthored papers on the crowd's creativity at the track of crowdsourcing at the 2022 annual Production and Operations Management Society Conference.
I was nominated by Office of Research at Fordham University as the most experienced person to review the 2022-2023 Faculty Research Grant (FRG).
I received a European Journal of Information Systems Award of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing for the year 2021.
The NEOMA Business School Blog discusses our study (with Dr. Aleš Popovič, Dr. Yue Han, Dr. Yegin Genc, and Dr. William Yeoh) that explores the potential and limits of crowdsourcing.
Our paper (with Dr. Hang Dong, Dr. Jeff Nickerson, and Dr. Gaurav Sabnis) won the best paper in the track of social computing for AMCIS 2020. This paper explores how social media affects the viewership of mass media.
Our paper (with Dr. Hang Dong and Dr. Jeff Nickerson) was the second runner up for the Americas Conference on Information Systems 2018 best paper. This paper explores how social media facilitates the demand-driven media bias.

I was invited to give guest lectures on the power of the crowd at Le Moyne College in Oct. 2019.